Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an Excerpts of a mindblowing 30 minutes live performance by the amazing JASSS translating Stefan’s visual score for Letra/Tone Festival on a sold out evening at Radialsystem in Berlin last Saturday. (make sure to switch on audio) — Letra/Tone Festival curated by Hanno Leichtmann @hannoleichtmann JASSS @vapordesangre @radialsystem_berlin — #letratonefestival #letratone #letraset #neubauberlin #stefangandl Ein Beitrag geteilt von Neubautonomy in Type & Design (@neubauberlin) am Mär 11, 2019 um 5:35 PDT
Excerpts of a mindblowing 30 minutes live performance by the amazing JASSS translating Stefan’s visual score for Letra/Tone Festival on a sold out evening at Radialsystem in Berlin last Saturday. (make sure to switch on audio) — Letra/Tone Festival curated by Hanno Leichtmann @hannoleichtmann JASSS @vapordesangre @radialsystem_berlin — #letratonefestival #letratone #letraset #neubauberlin #stefangandl
Ein Beitrag geteilt von Neubautonomy in Type & Design (@neubauberlin) am Mär 11, 2019 um 5:35 PDT